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Breech Modification


If you plan to continue mulesing in the short term, use an accredited mulesing contractor or undertake training to become an accredited mulesing contractor.

If you plan on stopping, read: Making the transition to a ceased-mulesed flock.

Pain relief

Tri-Solfen® is available as a pain relief product for the mules operation. It is a mixture of fast and long acting anaesthetic agents which quickly numb the wound and provides pain relief for several hours. The product also acts as a ‘vasoconstrictor’ to stop bleeding and is an antiseptic. The National Wool Declaration allows for the declaration of mulesing with pain relief.

As well as Tri-Solfen®, there are two other pain relief products available for use in sheep during other procedures. These are Buccalgesic® and Numnuts®.

Click here for more information about the three pain relief products.

Anti-Flystrike Clips

Anti-flystrike clips are available through Leader Products for nearly 10 years, however, adoption has been relatively low. While they do decrease wrinkle and increase bare area they are less effective at preventing flystrike than mulesing. They also require some skill to apply them effectively.

There are two styles of clips required – one for the tail and one for the breech area. There are four clips (two of each type) required per lamb. The clips can only be applied by registered and trained contractors. Lambs can be re-yarded and have the clips removed 8-14 days after application. The clips can be re-used at least once. The effectiveness of clips is considered to be mid-way between no treatment and mulesing in reducing wrinkles and increasing bare area. Clips are not considered suitable for sheep with breech wrinkle scores of 4 or greater.

More information and a list of accredited contractors, contact Leader Products.


Cobbett Technologies, with support from Australian Wool Innovation, has developed an intradermal product – Skin Traction®.

Skin Traction® works by delivering a measured dose of formulation into the skin using a needleless applicator. As a result of the treatment the skin dies and forms a dry scab which then falls off, leaving stretched skin underneath.

The product is now registered with APVMA with certain use requirements. However, the product is not yet in commercial use.

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